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Megan Little

Megan Little


Reaching Out: How One Florida Mother Finds Community Through BYU CE Programs 

Full Version

Orlando is a long way from Provo, but despite the distance, Megan Little loves to stay connected to her alma mater, Brigham Young University. Attending conferences hosted by BYU Continuing Education (BYU CE) keeps her involved in the BYU community, and she’s introduced her children to the university by sending them to camps during their summer breaks.  

Megan says going to BYU CE conferences is “like taking a pause and just focusing on your spirituality.” In May 2023, that’s exactly what she needed, as she was starting the divorce process and experiencing all the stress that comes with it. Megan wanted some time away “to feel the Spirit, feel peace,” so she and a friend attended BYU Women’s Conference, a program of Continuing Education, where they listened to uplifting presentations and participated in a service project.  

Despite the boost from Women’s Conference, Megan continued to struggle. Now in the middle of her divorce and looking to restart her career while caring for her children, she felt overwhelmed. “I knew that I needed to go in a different direction, and I needed to add Christ more into my life; that was the only way I was going to get through the situation,” she says. So in March 2024, she and her friend attended Life After Divorce, another conference offered by BYU CE. “I needed peace,” she said. 

Memorable for Megan was a panel discussion where attendees were encouraged to get out of their comfort zone after divorce. She has taken that advice to heart by meeting new people through church and connecting with others going through similar challenges. She now has a trusted group of friends who support each other through text messages. Megan says that if you are dealing with divorce and are “unsure of where to go or want to work on making things a smoother transition, then it’s definitely worth it” to attend Life After Divorce. The next conference will be held at BYU’s Provo campus November 7–8, 2025.  

As a BYU alum, Megan wants to share BYU’s unique atmosphere with her kids. “If you live on the East Coast, and your kids have never seen a Church school, never been on campus, they don’t know the feel of it,” she says. “That’s the number one reason why I put my kids in camp—for them to feel the Spirit.” She hopes they will “have a fun experience so that someday if they choose to go to a Church school, they’ll feel comfortable with it and they’ll have fun.”   

If you’re interested in learning something new or being spiritually uplifted, BYU Continuing Education is certain to offer a conference, event, or program that will appeal to you. In 2023, Continuing Education served nearly 100 participants in the UCF/Orlando area. Join people like Megan, who has committed to lifelong learning and is enjoying the benefits and community that BYU offers!

Megan Little with her kids
Meet Megan

Orlando is a long way from Provo, but despite the distance, Megan Little loves to stay connected to her alma mater, Brigham Young University. Attending conferences and events hosted by BYU Continuing Education (BYU CE) is how Megan chooses to be involved in her BYU community. And she’s introduced her children to BYU’s unique atmosphere by sending them to camps during their summer breaks.  

Megan says that attending BYU CE conferences is “like taking a pause and just focusing on your spirituality for a little while.” In May 2023, she definitely needed some time to recharge. Her life had completely changed—she was just starting to navigate the divorce process and was experiencing all the stress that comes with it. Megan’s friend Aubrey happened to be in the same situation, and they both realized they needed some time to themselves, to “just be away from our kids and feel the Spirit, feel peace.”     

Megan’s BYU CE Experience

Megan flew to Provo and Aubrey joined her from Ohio, and together they attended BYU Women’s Conference, a program of Continuing Education. They listened to uplifting presentations and participated in a service project—sewing stuffed bears to give kids in the hospital. “It’s great to go [to the conference] with girlfriends, to be there with friends,” Megan says.  

Despite the spiritual and emotional boost she received at Women’s Conference, Megan continued to struggle at home. Now in the middle of her divorce and looking to restart her career while caring for her children, Megan felt overwhelmed and weighed down with discouragement.   

“I knew that I needed to go in a different direction, and I needed to add Christ more into my life; that was the only way I was going to get through the situation,” she says. So in March 2024, she and Aubrey again met up in Provo to attend Life After Divorce, another conference offered by BYU CE. Megan knew that taking a few days away would be worth it. “I needed something,” she said. “I needed peace.”  

One of the most memorable sessions for Megan was a panel discussion about getting out of your comfort zone after divorce. The presenters encouraged those in attendance to “make friends with other people that are like you, who have been divorced. . . . Meet other people.” Megan has taken that advice to heart: “I try to make a point of reaching out to friends,” she says. She’s also making an effort to meet new people through church and to connect with others who are experiencing similar challenges. She now has a trusted group of friends who support each other through text messages.  

Megan says that if someone is “having struggles in their divorce and they’re unsure of where to go or want to work on making things a smoother transition, then it’s definitely worth it” to attend Life After Divorce. The next conference will be held at BYU’s Provo campus November 7–8, 2025.  

How Megan Shares BYU with Her Children

As a BYU alum, Megan wants to share BYU’s unique atmosphere with her kids. “If you live on the East Coast, and your kids have never seen a Church school, never been on campus, they don’t know the feel of it,” she says. “That’s the number one reason why I put my kids in camp, for them to feel the Spirit, to know that the Spirit is there. Have them have a fun experience so that someday if they choose to go to a Church school, they’ll feel comfortable with it and they’ll have fun.”     

Final Thoughts

If you’re interested in learning something new or being spiritually uplifted, BYU Continuing Education is certain to offer a conference, event, or program that will appeal to you. In 2023, Continuing Education served nearly 100 participants in the UCF/Orlando area. Join people like Megan who has committed to lifelong learning and is enjoying the benefits and community that BYU offers!