Global Reach

Henry Goodson. Feb 7, 2025

5 min read

The world is our campus.  

Thousands of students see this iconic phrase on their daily commute to school. It communicates a core tenet of Brigham Young University: one that BYU is uniquely poised to fulfill. 

BYU Continuing Education takes this sentiment very seriously. It intends to “benefit the world” through each one of its educational offerings. Lifelong learning for everyone is the standard that Continuing Education holds itself to. 

BYU Continuing Education’s rich involvement in international education has early beginnings. Continuing Education organized a 1951 tour to Mexico, which served as the first official BYU international tour. By 1958, the BYU Travel Study program was receiving serious recognition. William I. Holbrook, vice president of American Youth Abroad, referred to it as “the . . .  most highly developed educational travel program of any . . . university in the country.” One of the key objectives of such study abroad programs was to “make friends for the Church and the university.” 

This Christlike international influence is in full force today. Maxime, a BYU Independent Study student from Belgium, has seen this influence at work in his life. Despite a transient lifestyle as a child, taking him from Dubai to Cameroon to Malaysia, Maxime took advantage of BYU Continuing Education’s global reach to fulfill his dreams. “[Independent Study] is great because if you want to do something else, you can manage your time and just can go ahead and do it,” the 19-year-old says. “Instead of working less, I can do more.” 

The global reach of BYU Continuing Education is only growing, as recent visits from internationally engaged schools illustrate. 

Solomon International School 

For twenty years, Solomon International School has been creating informed scholars with BYU Online High School courses. The international school has education centers in the U.S., Canada, South Korea, China, and Vietnam. They’re the epitome of the BYU Continuing Education mission: Inspiring lifelong learning to benefit the world. 

This July, leaders from the International School met with BYU Continuing Education leaders in the Harmon Building. The educators discussed a vision of using Independent Study courses for first-year university students in Asia. Student-focused collaboration like this allows BYU Continuing Education offerings to touch the lives of students on an unprecedented scale. 

University of Jiangxi 

Another internationally significant delegation not only educates in China but originated there.  In May, a delegation from the University of Jiangxi came to BYU Continuing Education to foster international discourse and learn from one another. The delegation was led by the Chinese university’s Vice President of Economics, Que Shandong. 

The group was interested in the way that BYU’s principles drive its approach to education.  The University of Jiangxi shares the BYU commitment to excellence, and the discussion was a manifestation of the unifying power of knowledge. 

Ryogoku Junior High 

In July of 2024, over 150 students from Japan’s Ryogoku Junior High School flew to BYU. BYU Continuing Education was pleased to host the cohort. 

The students spent their days visiting Utah’s points of interest, studying English, touring iconic BYU buildings, and participating in activities. The students had a blast, and BYU is looking forward to hosting them again in the future. The recurring visit showcases Continuing Education’s commitment to fostering global learning. 

It’s an eventful time for BYU Continuing Education on the international stage. BYU CE  is committed to creating lifelong learners, from Seattle to Shanghai, who make a difference in their communities and reflect Christlike attributes in all they do.