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Embracing Flexibility: How Independent Study Helped Ryan Howell Excel

. Jan 13, 2025

min read

Ryan Howell will graduate in April with a degree in mechanical engineering after just four years here at BYU. The mechanical engineering major is known for being one of the more difficult undergraduate degrees at BYU and often takes five years to complete. So, what is Ryan’s secret? 

The BYU Independent Study program has enabled Ryan to accelerate his education while still enjoying the freedom to pursue internships and other opportunities. Ryan explains that while mechanical engineering students “could use spring and summer terms to get ahead, you also need to get internships to get good jobs out of college.” 

The flexibility of BYU Independent Study allowed Ryan to manage his demanding mechanical engineering coursework without forgoing valuable internship opportunities. Last summer, Ryan was able to take advantage of an internship in Arizona with Honeywell Aerospace’s Space and Defense Department, an invaluable experience that resulted in Ryan securing a full-time position with the company after graduation. "[BYU Independent Study] gave me more flexibility for those summer months," Ryan says. "I could keep doing my schooling while I was in Arizona or moving back to Utah." 

One positive aspect of BYU Independent Study for Ryan was the self-paced nature of the courses. "I actually really enjoyed that," he shares. "I could put a lot of work into it for a few weeks, then take a break when I got busy, and go back to it later." This style of learning allowed Ryan to focus on his major during the regular semesters while using BYU Independent Study to complete general education requirements and help maintain a manageable workload throughout his college career. 

Additionally, Ryan appreciated the autonomous learning process promoted by the BYU Independent Study courses. "I did the reading myself, took the quizzes myself, and gauged my own learning," he notes. "It was a good tool to adapt to what I wanted to get from the course." 

For students in demanding majors like mechanical engineering, or others interested in diversifying their learning, Ryan highly recommends BYU Independent Study. "If you're trying to get out in four years, it’s really helpful," he advises. Ryan lists an enhanced focus on a major, knocking out GE courses, and increased flexibility for vacations or internships as reasons for anyone to consider BYU Independent Study. 

Ryan Howell is one of many who have benefited from the opportunities that BYU Independent Study offers. “I loved my Independent Study experience,” Ryan said. “I would highly recommend it.”